Using administrative data on housing and health inequalities to reduce local health and care inequalities 


In this project, we sought to improve our understanding of which determinants of health at household level are tractable to local intervention and to identify what levers staff in local government might use to address health inequalities linked to housing problems.

Key Findings

Our work identified two priorities where using data better might improve the effectiveness of local interventions:

  1. Identifying, mapping, responding to household overcrowding
  2. Council responses to social housing residents with long-term conditions

“[Overcrowding leads to] developmental issues for younger children, both physical and mental. If children can’t move as much as they might in other bigger situations, that impacts on their physical development. Then in an overcrowded house, their mental development as well, not having space to learn in a way that they would normally do. Then just the family dynamic, the stress of being in an overcrowded situation. With overcrowding often comes damp, not damp per se, but condensation, which feels damp to families and does exacerbate health issues, respiratory issues.”
Comment from project discussion participant.


We are now working further with our partners focused on the identification of possible hotspots of household overcrowding affecting the health of families. Please do get in touch if you are interested to learn more or collaborate:

Partners & Collaborators

University College London (UCL)

London Borough of Islington

Lead Investigator
Investigating Team
Lizzie Ingram (UCL)
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